Past Simple: Explorers

Chiew's CLIL EFL ESL Blog: Present Continuous Exercises, Quiz, Activities, Games

Present Continuous 2

Parts of the Face

online jobs crossword puzzle
Jobs: Online Crossword Puzzle

online at the airport check-in passport control quiz jigsaw puzzle
At the Airport Matching Dialogue

unscramble these jumbled sentences: adverbs of frequency
Unscramble these Jumbled Sentences (Adverbs of Frequency)

unscramble jumbled sentences: daily routines
Unscramble these Jumbled Sentences (Daily Routines)

online cloze exercise: at the airport
Present Continuous Fill-in-the-gap Activity

online cloze exercise: at the airport

Present Continuous Jumbled Words/Arrange jumbled dialogue

Clothes and Accessories Crossword Puzzle
Places in Town 1: Match the words to the images

Places in Town 2: Match the words to the images

Places in Town Crossword Puzzle

dialogues at the airport and at the train station
Mix Quiz: matching, dialogues at the airport and at the train station, etc




Shoot out the corresponding irregular past simple verb



Dialogue: Booking into a hotel

Dialogue:  At the airport check-in

Dialogue: At the passport control

Dialogue:  In a restaurant Part One, and Part Two

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